Loving someone who doesn’t love you back

13 03 2008

What do you do when you love someone who doesn’t love you back? Or maybe she does love you in her way but not the way you need to be loved. Do you just hang in there and hope that things will get better? Do you try to change yourself into who you think it is she wants? Do you try to move on even though the thought of it scares you to death?

Please post ur comments… Wud be more than eager to read…

Well I wud suggest each and every person who goes thru such situations, COME OUT DUDE.. U GONNA GET NOTHING OUTTA IT..



28 responses

13 03 2008

“What do you do when you love someone who doesn’t love you back?”

My answer is accept that fact or move on with your life.

13 03 2008
laila a

Wow, scary timing. My guy just dumped me Friday night. He says he doesn’t love me the way I love him. I knew this but was willing to overlook it because I loved him. I’ve never loved before. I’ve been loved and I’ve been really fond, but I’ve never truly loved. It feels better to love than it does to be loved. I’m so lost right now. I know I’ll be ok, but I’ve been through a couple box of tissues.

Please let me know what you figure out….

13 03 2008

laila, I have no words of wisdom to offer except maybe that if it didn’t work out with this guy hopefully there’s someone even better waiting for you. Getting over a break up is never easy. Even more so when you are the one on the recieving end. So cry and be sad and have all your friends tell you that it was his loss and some day he’ll want you back and when you stop crying dust yourself off and get back out there.

The Girl in my case had already made it crystal clear right from the beginning that nothing cud happen, so i cant blame her for anything. I just wish I could be stronger.

God bless

13 03 2008

Dude come outta it
u wont get anything but dejection..n..agony.. or may be thats what u want outta this..

or may be someday (as impossible as it seems) wisdom strikes u and u can start loving people who truly love u back
hope u can read between the lines..

13 03 2008

I think the best thing to do is make the best of what’s around. When you’ve done all you can do and she still doesn’t want to move past friendship, then it’s high time to move on. You just have to accept that it’s just another one of life’s lessons. I’m sorry it’s tough but that’s the way some things are. Good luck!

13 03 2008

Dear Vicky

I have been associated with you since so many years. As far as I know you, You do whatever you feel like, so it doesn’t make any difference to you what people say or advise. Only thing I can say is Reserve your Passion unlimited for someone else who loves you back.
Love is not only giving, love is recieving as well.



13 03 2008

Dear Shez…

have known u long enough to say that whoever u get associated with u in the future will be one helluva lucky girl….the pain and anguish u have been through is reflected in ur writing very clearly but always look at the silver lining in teh cloud! May Allah bless you with the most potent person u have always wanted and life is all about giving…so just feel that u have done enough and move on!

Loads of warm wishes!

5 06 2010

I want to thank you out of all of the comments that I read this one really helped me
I can go to sleep thanks

16 03 2008

hi sehzad,
its ur call bro, we’ll be there to support. ITS NEVER TOO LATE.

16 03 2008


Thanks bro.. i was wondering who is this until i saw ur id…

i know buddy ur always there with me

Thanks a ton

17 03 2008

hey bro,
Life is all about moving on..It will provide you with impregnable challenges that will leave you disheartened..bt knowin u , i cn safely say that u have will of iron and no matter how rough a deal life gives u , u will come out trumps. Nothin in this life , is like a death sentence that can not be revoked.
Lucky will be the gal who gets to call herself “Foreva yours” …Dnt worry your time is round the corner…

17 03 2008

i think its not the final destination that you look at but the journey that you enjoy when you are with someone so special.Enjoy each and evry moment that you have,those are moments that makes you smile,that ignites a special feeling that you had never experienced before..
Those are moments that are priceless.You can never regret a moment that made you smile..
enjoi the moment atleast you will have these memories to cherish for the rest of your life..

19 03 2008

i couldnt resist this no matter how much i tried had to say this a quote from elton john “Love your girl with all your heart,so much that she has no other place to stay.But if she still gets away dude its time to turn Gay!!!…lolzz soory just found this funny quote…

28 03 2008

i really think so there are people who are so deeply in love with a person but dont want anything in return. they just want that things between them never leaves a bad taste. they love spending time with each other and the guy is content in that. its better to have small and sweet memeories to cherish rather than having nothing.

28 10 2008

i love someone who doesnt love me back, the only difference is i’ve never been out with this person, ive just loved him from affar and its killing me inside.

ive just discovered he’s going out with some one else, i tell my self im happy because he is, but it doesnt work, i cant kid my self like i kid very one else when i say im fine.

how do you mend somethink thats only hypethetical,your heart isnt what makes you love, its my god for saken brain. and i wish it would stop my feelings, i wish i wouldnt love. i wish i was emotionless. love has given me nothing, except pain. i dont want to hurt any more. but i cant stop my self from loving.

i should just face the facts, after all im not stupid, i should have got to the conclusion all ready, i will love and hurt for the rest of my life, but no one will ever eel the same way back.

to love another is to hate your self.

7 05 2010

first of all laura you dont have to hate urself its not your fault that your heart love this guy so what you need to do is find out if he feels the same way you do i come to learn something in life and this goes for everyone whatever you are feeling you just need to come out and tell these people that you have feelings for its better for them to know then keep it inside of yall because you never know they just might feel the same way

18 10 2010

I know exactly how you feel. I have loved this wonderful man for a long time. And i know it is not returned. I have finally realised that I need to throw in the towel and move on. I am so sad that I never got my chance but I cant do it anymore. It hurts to much. I have loved him so long I dont even know how to start getting over him. One day I hope I will find someone who loves me back just the way I am. x

20 11 2009

i am going through same feelings. it’s very painful, somewhere it makes you strong, if you still keep loving the same person. afterall love is not always getting the person. it’s wishing gud for that person.

12 01 2010

When you feel that you are loving too much there is only one thing to do. Pull away. if you are convinced that there is a huge gap between your feelings and the other person’s and it makes you feel lonely or unhappy, walk away. Depending on how serious the relationship is, you can talk about it, but if that fails and all the signs say he or she doesn’t return my love, you have to force yourself to turn away. Become your own advocate. Think of it as taking care of yourself. Ask yourself: what do I need to do to take care of ME in this situation? I want love, I’m not getting it. You turn away. You cry and get all of the feelings out and remember all the good times and go through the anger and sadness, but you turn away. If the person actually does love you, he or she will come find you. If he or she does not, stay away. Reach out to others. And believe it or not with each passing week that you do not connect to that person, he or she will become less important. To me love is similar to athletics in this way: in certain sports, like skiing and skating, you have to learn how to fall down first. Likewise, in romance, you have to be able to walk away from a bad love or else the whole process of seeking an intimate relationship will be agony for you. It stinks to have someone not love you back. But if you really get deep into it you will realize on your own time that you don’t want someone who does not love you back. If you are looking for love and not getting it, move on. Take yourself by the hand and walk away from the phone and the AIM. Protect yourself from this person who is hurting you and therefore toxic. It gets easier over time. I promise you.

12 01 2010


A p.s. to my comment. Please don’t take your situation out on yourself, please don’t beat up on yourself. I have been in your situation so many times. So many times. Let me ask you if you can try something. Instead of looking around from afar and spotting someone and focusing on him and deciding you love him, can you flip the whole process over. As you go through your day could you try noticing the people who are reaching out to you, the people who are saying, hey, I like you…and focus on giving your loving energy to those who are giving it to you. If you get in the habit of giving your love and energy to people who are putting out a positive vibe in your direction, and never to someone who is ignoring you or not interested, you will find that sooner that you could ever imagine, the person putting out love in your direction will be a potential mate or lover. I promise you that. In the meantime, if you open your eyes and your heart as you go through your day you will see how many people are there to give you a friendly smile, to chat…and you built on those connections.

15 03 2010

I am a gay guy and live with the love of my life but he is just my best mate, we slept with each other a couple of times in the past but when we started living together we stopped, he says he loves me heaps but does not want us to sleep with each other for fear of destroying the friendship we have, I die a little everyday over this and the thought of him going out and having sex with strangers when he cant / wont show me any affection even at a friend level when we used to be so close crushes me so much. I love him with all my heart and my heart hurts just a little more each day!

7 05 2010

terry i can relate the only thing is that we never slept or live together i believe that she does love me but worried about the people talking she say she dont care but i believe deep inside she does and i tell her this everytime we talk

2 06 2011

I’m in love with this girl, and she doesn’t love me back. I mean, she tells me she loves me, but I think she means it sister-ly. It kills me to know she doesn’t want me too, and she always flirts and hugs and rests her head on my shoulder, as if she likes me back. But I told her that I like her, and she told me she didn’t like me ‘in that way.’ It’s the first time I’ve ever felt this way about anyone, male or female. But she told my closest friend that she “likes Mia as a girlfriend a little, but more as a friend.” I’m just do confused, and I have no idea what to do.

17 10 2012

just wait dont force love the reality she has filling 4 u and she loves u at a tm so care her more than u care her

16 07 2011

I love my wife very much, but she doesn’t love me. She says she has fallen out of love….. 😦

27 10 2011

i love my best girl-friend i have, she knows it to and it doesnt bother her, i tell her i love her all the time, she loves me back on a higher friend ship level, and im sad but happy about it at the same time,, the only difference is no sec or making out, which doesnt bother me, ill never love a girl as much as i love her and trust me i tried, and i would never want to lose how close we are.

21 08 2012

yes.yes and yes. i haven’t told my felling yet, but somehow deep inside me i know the answer. we’ve been classmate since last year and its driving me crazy.
Listing to sad songs ever since.

17 10 2012

i hv a gf who we brke month ago without reason bt wen am try to tell her to cm bak she z telling me she has anaza bf and i realy lov her and she told me i can be her friend but not boyfriend so wat can i do?

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